Friday, March 13, 2020

747 against World Trade Center. Who wins?

747 Kinetic Energy
Charles Jordan

A red glow from a melted mass was all that was left of the steel girders on which the World Trade Center was built. It had been five days since the building collapsed on September 11, 2001. There was a general disagreement as whether steel could become red hot just by falling, but one of the engineers/ physicists who had been hired to look into the horrific happening found that the kinetic energy of the steel falling from a maximum of 1350 feet down would be enough energy to melt the iron when it crashed to the ground, all those iron atoms bouncing into one another.

“Nonsense!" echoed the opinions of most people in New York City." There must have been something or someone incendiary messing with the building over the last year."

John Fulminery has been studying the age old records of heat-inducing chemicals and energy waves used by people like Isaac Newton to make alchemical changes in materials and thought these might be away to induce a change in steel from a rigid strong material to a floppy gelatinous mess.

When he suggested such a possibility, the investigators considered him to be a nutcase. There was a lot of iron at the base of the collapsed building and it was dense and red-hot.

If anything, they thought that the energy of a 747 striking the building containing a full load of gasoline should have been enough to heat the building supports to their melting point or at least weaken them enough to lead to a collapse.

But nobody could know what was in the minds of the perpetrators of this game, a single-minded group of jihadists whose world view reached back before Mohammadism to when Arabian science was at its zenith and Sufi mysticism was achieving magical transformations. 

The Motion of Sufi Dancing can generate energetic focal points which can change reality. If it can work for the human body, why not for large physical objects like airplanes. Perhaps there were complexes of motion involving the automatic pilots of the 747s which could lead to highly energetic resonances which could saw through or melt steel like butter.

Abdul Assiz had qualified to fly 747 airplanes early in their rollout into the industry.  But he quit flying with his family ask him to return to Konya as the oldest male Assiz in the family. Konya is the origin of the Whirling Dervish dancers whose connection with the loving center of the universe depends on body position and twist rate to generate a blood distribution in the head and states of ecstasy similar to drugs like LSD. It was through techniques like this that the Sufis managed to develop new ways to manipulate reality.

Assiz’s knowledge of the 747enabled these transformations of motion using the computer driven controls to enhance the energy content of the plane to levels high enough to weaken the ski steel girders and bring  down the buildings just due to the plane’s impact.

Stories of the attackers using box cutters to overwhelm the pilots were the only plausible way most people could understand how the jihadist could have succeeded, but the actual methods were more like the whirling dervishes than the criminal gangs.

Similar techniques where used to shield the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. The many-layered defense around the District of Columbia and our government were curiously quiet during this attack and never actually confronted a plane they seemingly couldn't see.

The last plane was planning to eliminate  the President and his family in the White House and it is amazing that one of the passengers had spent time in the US airbase at Incirlik,Turkey, just south of Konya. He recognized the motions of the attackers and managed to disrupt them causing the plane to dive into the ground in Pennsylvania, a heroic effort indeed.

Sufism is a way of life based on love, but any powerful method of relationships can bring energy to intent.  

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